Thursday, May 31, 2007

Mental Self Help – The Secret of Positive Self Talk

Mental Self Help – The Secret of Positive Self Talk By Kevin J. John

Your self talk, the conversation that you carry on with yourself almost continually, is a vital component of your mental state. If your self talk is predominantly negative – “I can’t do…”, “I’m unhappy” – you will be unhappy, have low motivation and low self esteem.
If you self talk is mainly positive, the opposite will be true. You can use mental self help to change your self talk from positive to negative…
You talk to yourself and lot. It has been estimated that up to 1500 words per minute pass through your mind expressing an enormous number of thoughts that shape your view of the world, determine your mental state and just sometimes are part of your thinking process!
Much of your self talk is the result of thoughts coming from your subconscious mind and is a result of your past conditioning, your memories and other factors that affect your subconscious thought processes. It feels as if much of your self talk is out of your conscious control. Yet your self talk exerts a tremendous influence on your conscious mind and the results that you are able to achieve in life.
The good news is that psychological studies have shown that, with a little persistence, you can make your self talk more positive. When you do this you will benefit from a more positive mental attitude. If you talk to yourself about the way that you want your life to be, the chances are greatly increased that it will turn out that way.
Talk to Yourself to Improve Your Self Talk
There are a number of routes to more positive self talk. You can undergo extensive programs of self analysis to eliminate past traumas, you can use will power to stop yourself and so on. All these methods can take a long time and be quite difficult to apply to yourself.
One of the most effective ways to improve your self talk is to use positive affirmations. This is a remarkably simple way to change your self talk - you talk to yourself in a positive way and with a bit of persistence, your subconscious mind changes it’s habits and your self talk becomes more positive!
You may even be doing it already. When you’re faced doing something that you find a bit daunting, you may already be using simple affirmations such as “I can do it” to encourage yourself. This simple technique can be extended to anything that you want to achieve – greater happiness, greater success in life, kicking negative habits…
Affirmations have been proven to work by many successful people. However to get them to work, you have to do them correctly. Your affirmations need to be positive statements of what you want. Negative statements of what you don’t want will just add to your negative self talk and condition your mind to achieve what you don’t want. Affirmations also have to be charged with emotion and used regularly to be effective.
Negative self talk leads to negative mental attitudes and poor results in your life. One of the most powerful mental self help techniques for overcoming negative self talk is positive affirmations. If carried out regularly and correctly, positive affirmations can make your self talk more positive and improve your results in life.
Find out more about how to do positive affirmations correctly.
You can get a free e-course the success principle . Visit my website for more resources, articles, and support materials about success and personal growth .
Kevin John has spent many years helping businesses owners, aspiring business owners, and private individuals to develop the understanding and skills needed to achieve the success that they want.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Getting the Right Diet Information

If you are looking to follow a healthy eating plan or lose weight, then don’t underestimate the importance of having the right diet information to get you to your goal. Getting the wrong – or no - information can potentially affect your health, and not in a good way.
Some people who want to improve their eating habits or lose weight may think it’s simply a case of cutting out all the ‘bad’ stuff such as crisps, cakes, sweets and biscuits and that they will have a healthier diet and / or lose weight.
While this isn’t a bad concept to start with, you do need to ensure that you are getting the right nutrients to ensure that your body functions properly. Missing out on vitamins and minerals can seriously damage your health.
So how do you go about finding the right diet information? The web is a great resource for finding out about diets, recipes and healthy eating. There are lots of websites that you can visit, including ones with forums. This enables you to get a really good feel for what diet plan would best suit you and your circumstances by talking to people who have already experienced it.
Bear in mind when looking at diet plans that no matter what they say faddy crash diets are not good for your long term health. Certainly, most of us have cut back for a few days when we have an event coming up that we want to look and feel our best at, but near starvation diets are no good for your long term health. And any dramatic weight loss experienced will soon come piling back on once you stop faddy dieting.
Nor are diets that cut out foods with essential nutrients in them are good for you. Diets such as the Atkins diet which allows you to eat stuff like fry ups on a very regular basis, in my book, cannot be for you on an ongoing basis.
Get the right diet information and it will go a long way to keeping you healthy, fit and slim for the rest of your life.
Jason Hulott is Director at UK Diets Online, a service that provides information about all the major diet systems available, healthy eating and diet information. Visit now and take advantage of our special deals with Weightwatchers.
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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Weight Loss Reviews

Reviews for the best weight loss tactics. Find out which weight loss techniques really work.

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5 Great Exercises to do at Home

You can lose weight with a home workout program AND without doing a lot of cardio exercise. All you need to burn fat are these simple weight loss exercises done in the comfort of your own home.
The basics are always best. Here are 5 exercises that you can do in a circuit to get shockingly fast results without any fancy equipment.
Y-Squats (Do a normal bodyweight squat with your arms held up in a Y-position. This works the muscles of your upper back and helps counter-act the negative effects of sitting at a computer all day.)
Push-ups The classic is the best, but you can do close-grip pushups, decline pushups, or pushups with your feet on the ball. If you are a beginner, you can start with standing pushups against the wall or kneeling pushups. Just do whatever your fitness level allows.
Split Squats with your back foot elevated 6-12 inches Elevating the back leg increases the work done by the glutes and hamstrings of the front leg. If you can't do this one, do a split squat and use the wall for balance. This is a great exercise, and should be done before lunges.
Mountain Climbers Start in a pushup position and bring one knee towards your chest. Touch the toe to the ground and then return your foot to the start position. Alternate sides. Keep your abs braced and your hips low.
Reverse Lunges These require less balance than forward lunges, and also work the glutes and hamstrings more than forward lunges.
Do 8-12 repetitions per exercise. Don't rest between exercises. Go through the circuit up to 3 times, resting 1 minute after each circuit.
For a once-per-month weight loss challenge, do each exercise to failure in your final round through the circuit.
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Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training for Fat Loss have helped thousands of men and women with weight loss and fat burning in less than 45 minutes three times per week. Turbulence Training for Fat Loss workouts help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment. Craig's bodyweight workouts for fat loss help you lose fat without any equipment at all.
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2 Tips for Maintaining Weight Loss Goals

2 major tips to maintaining your weight loss goals by Josue Cano

I remember when I would start my week eating healthy and exercising. I would pumped and motivated focusing on what mattered most to me. As the weekend would unfold it wouldn't be too long before I would justify to myself eating a really unhealthy meal. The pleasure of the moment distracted me from focusing on what really mattered most...and that was my fitness and weight loss goals. As you are enjoying the moment you justify to yourself that you will work out harder at the gym tomorrow. Afterwards, the feelings of guilt and contempt start to set in. To make matters worse, you don't even go to the gym because you don't feel good about yourself. You feel fat and you think that you are fat and veer off your goals. This type of sabotage happens all to often. There are steps that you can take to avoid this type of behavior so that you stay on top of your goals but most importantly you feel good about yourself.
What kind of glasses are you using?
Imagine that you are viewing yourself and the prescription of glasses that you are using are not the right kind. How distorted is your vision of yourself going to be? Do you really think that you will be viewing yourself with the most accuracy? Weight loss has more to do with feelings than anything else. What is important is to get the right prescription glasses so that you are viewing yourself with objectivity and not negativity. What you do is question your feelings about yourself. If you don't like how you feel about yourself then start questioning those feelings. Are you really a bad person? Are you really a loser? Are you really that overweight? Whatever the questions may be the point is to create enough doubt about your feelings that are bringing you down that you create an eagerness within to feel better, more positive about yourself. The goal is to have a positive self reflection.
Who do you think you are: Judge Judy?
Your thoughts determine the words you're going to say. Are you using words that are encouraging you or holding you down? When you use words that are not very encouraging you begin to judge yourself. When you label food 'bad' and 'good' when you eat 'bad' food then you judge yourself as a 'bad' person. When you label yourself as such what do you think that does to your self perception? I can tell you that it doesn't make you feel better. Plus, it's true that you are not a 'bad' person. Start believing that and it can change your outcome. Use encouraging words such as I can, I will, I am. Start saying that you are a powerful person. Start saying to yourself that you are an amazing person. Avoid words that insinuate judgemnt like good and bad, would, could, and should. The point is to eliminate words that bring you down and that judge you and others. Replace those words that will encourage you and increase your self perception.
It took me awhile for these words to integrate into my daily vocabulary. But by doing so, I was focusing on keeping what mattered to me most and that was feeling good about myself. As a former binge eater, I had to battle with the temptation of indulging in unhealthy foods because they taste great and bring instant pleasure. However, by delaying the gratification I was able to put away those temptations. The feeling after was so empowering because you no longer surrender to those temptations that bring you down. Food is not the enemy. There are no enemies. There are only adjustments to be made. You are in control of your emotions. It's your responsibility to practice your choice that you have. Because you always have a choice as to how you want to experience any situation.
About the Author
Josue Cano B.A. C.S.C.S., is a specialized strength and boxing trainer working 1-on-1 with clients who just authored the book: Don't wait get in S.H.A.P.E.: drop body fat fast and get fit quick. He is also an entertaining, funny health and fitness speaker who speaks to college students about college weight gain and has a program called Tackle the Freshman 15.

Monday, May 28, 2007

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Sunday, May 27, 2007